We have just released VegasHero Casino Theme version 1.7.0 that includes some new functionality.
You can add casino grid cards to a post, page or widget area simply by using the Casino Grid Shortcode. You can filter them by category and order via date, title, publish date or randomly.
Here’s an example for outputting the casinos from the casino category “US Friendly” ordered by latest date:
[vh-casino-grid category="US Friendly" postcount="3" orderby="date" order="DESC"]
Shortcode parameter reference:
Attribute | Description | Value |
vh-casino-grid | Creates casino grid | – |
category | Displays casino post cards from a casino category | casino category name |
postcount | Set the number of casino cards to display (to display all enter -1) | number of casino posts |
orderby | What the posts should be ordered by? (default is “title”) | title / name / date / modified / rand |
order | Ascending or descending order of posts (default is “ASC”) | ASC / DESC |
pagination | Displays / hides pagination under the grid (default is hidden “off”). This option only works in pages, not recommneded for posts and widgets. | on / off |
If you don’t specify category (category=”” or leave the attribute out) the shortcode will display casino posts from all categories