
As a website owner there is one thing I always try to maintain – user interaction. Any way I can keep visitors busy and entertained I’m going to use it. In this case I’m using the WP Review Plugin, which is a handy little tool that allows me to apply a rating system. Users pay attention to ratings, especially if they stand out, and it’s usually the first thing that grabs their attention.

There aren’t any limits in terms of how you can use this rating system. Regardless of the niche you are in you can make it applicable in some way or another. On my site I use it to rate different online casinos and online slot games. For example, I’ll test out them out, write up a review and then rate it according to my experience. This is especially helpful for my visitors, because just by looking at ratings they are able to find the cream of the crop so-to-speak. If they happen to see a casino or slot game with a low or average rating, they can find out why by reading my review.

How WP Review Plugin enhances visitor engagement

Basically, the WP Review Plugin sparks interest. Why did that casino only score 2 out of 5 stars? If that slot game got 4.5 stars then it must be good, but what makes it good? These are the questions that begin to pop up just through the simplicity of this rating system. Personally, I found that the bounce rate decreased while viewed pages per user substantially increased. In other words, users were starting to spend a lot more time on my site.

You’ll find that there are two versions of WP Review – the free version and the Pro version. With the free version you’ll be able to easily integrate the basics that make this plugin so wonderful. It doesn’t matter what theme you are using and it’s responsive to all platforms. But will it decrease the loading time? Not at all. In fact, the Pro version is actually aimed at speeding things up, so you don’t have to worry about interfering with speed.

If you want to stick to the free version then you’ll still be getting some amazing results, because I definitely did. But I would suggest upgrading. Imagine taking your new-found activity and giving it a magnificent boost. For example, users can also give ratings with the Pro version, whereas the free version only allows you to place the ratings. Here are some of the extra goodies you’ll get with the Pro version:

  • More options in terms of the display of the ratings (stars, circles, etc.)
  • A lot more flexibility regarding the design, color and placement
  • Users are at liberty to leave a rating of their own along with a review (Pro feature)
  • CSS animations that really make the reviews come to life
  • Global rating type that allows you to bypass the short-code on every post
  • Unlimited use of color when customizing the design
  • Amazing control over where the reviews have to be displayed, along with size and width
  • Optimized speed

SEO benefits of using WP Review plugin and rich snippets

If you don’t get the click in the Google search results what good it is to be ranked high, right? You must get noticed there. Rich snippets will help you do just that.

Rich snippet are the way to providing Google with additional information about your page in the case of casinos and games you may utilize them to display user ratings and review scores. The info you will add extra visual elements to the Google SERPs and will attract the eye of the visitors more than a plain search result.


You can even add preview images and authorship info there. Rich snippet microdata will make your pages stand out better amongst your affiliate competition and get you more click-throughs.

We recommend getting the pro version of WP Review. The SEO benefits and potential player conversion boost will easily worth that little bit of investment you pay for the license fee. All in all these are just some of the benefits we discussed you will be getting when you switch to the Pro version. The customer support is also quick and friendly – something I have personal experience with. So if you want to increase user interaction quickly, I suggest giving WP Review a shot.