Option 1: In-plugin Advertising
We offer iGaming affiliate program owners advertising space within the VegasHero plugin back-end. Affiliates who install the plugin will see your offers appearing on their website admin screens.
For €199.00/month you can add your iGaming brands and affiliate programs inside the plugin settings pages:
- Add your brands under the games import options page and add it to the “Import by Operator” list.
- There are 2 banner ad slots available in 728×90 size on admin screen. The banners are rotated.
- We will also add your brand to a list of recommended casinos.
- Minimum 12 months commitment
Display your banner on the top of the plugins configuration pages that users often visit

Get listed in our Recommended casino list and be included in the “Import by Operator” options page

You will be also featured on our website in the Recommended Casino Affiliate Programs page

Option 2: Newsletter Sponsorship – Reach out to Affiliates
Finding great affiliates is not an easy task. VegasHero can help you to reach out to a laser targeted list of iGaming affiliate site owners.
For €499 you can sponsor one of our newsletters:
- reach over 2000+ forward thinking iGaming affiliates
- get recommended by a trusted WordPress software provider
- your affiliate program delivered into webmaster inboxes
Affiliates who download the VegasHero plugin use WordPress and want to scale their website quickly and efficiently. We send out useful tips, game release news and free resource articles to our customers who we often build close relationships. Your affiliate program / casino product / iGaming brand will be shown in an email newsletter sent to webmasters.
Newsletter ad placement example

Important: Please note that all advertising options are subject to our approval.