Sponsored Guest Post

You can promote your product or services in a form of a sponsored advertorial or guest post article. You need to provide us with article copy and links and we will review the content and evaluate whether your offering is a good match for our audience or not. This serviceRead More

Newsletter Sponsorship

Finding great affiliates is not an easy task. VegasHero can help you to reach out to a laser targeted list of iGaming affiliate site owners. For €499 you can sponsor one of our newsletters: reach over 2000+ forward thinking iGaming affiliates get recommended by a trusted WordPress software provider your affiliateRead More

In-plugin Advertising (monthly)

We offer iGaming affiliate program owners advertising space within the VegasHero plugin backend. Affiliates who install the plugin will see your offers appearing on their website admin screens. For €199.00/month you can add your iGaming brands and affiliate programs inside the plugin settings pages:  Add your brands under the gamesRead More